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zenit&nadir 2006 - 2011


The artists’ group zenit&nadir was established in 2006. From the outset the focus was to bring specific sounds to specific spaces and their surroundings. Image and sound footage was collected at and inspired by the location. At first the means of expression were limited to veejaying and not only electronic but also analog generated live music. Further works were commissioned by museums, openings and festivals in Stuttgart, Riga and Strasbourg. During this time there was a close partnership between the former gallery fluctuating images in Stuttgart and zenit&nadir. On behalf of this gallery zenit&nadir participated in screenings, performances and in 2007 the series of events called „exploring party – Party als Kunst“ at the Württembergischer Kunstverein in Stuttgart. Especially for this occasion we developed a performance, which dealt with the area of tension between sound and movement. In advance we produced a video with sequences of movements, which was then triggered via two drummers on there kits using a special software. The rhythm of the video was influenced by the drums and the content of the video was determined by pre-selected sequences of the footage.
Since then the combination of movement, video and sound/livedrums is significant for our work, because it widens our forms of expression. A further development arose, when we generated the components of our performances, not only through fragments of the surrounding areas, which are collected at the space of events, arranged, dissembled and put together again for the performance, but also through historical incidents, which were up-to-date then and still are. That’s what happened for example in 2009 in our stage production „contain – Leben in 33m³“ which premiered at the Theaterhaus in Stuttgart, formerly a warehouse for steel called „Rheinstahlhallen“ in which a container village for asylum seekers was installed during the Balkan Civil War, which was then the basis of the content for the piece. This stage- performance emerged through work in progress based on extensive research.

Mad Woman's Vision (Trailer)


Year of production: 2012

Duration: 48:00 min

Trailer: 8:40 min

Location: Kunstzentrum Karlskaserne, Ludwigsburg
Sponsored by Licam GmbH / Filmequipment & Services, Stuttgart

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